1. Locomotion (E5 6b)
The right arête of the corner gained via the overlap. Originally BRs, now side runner!
2. Gemma’s World Direct (E3 5c)
The right wall of the prominent corner with PRs and TRs.
3. Alison (E1 5b) ★
The large open corner gained from flake on left wall. Direct start is E4 6b.
4. Dreadlocks (7a+) ★★
Straight up from initial flake on ‘rinklets’ to difficult mantelshelf of Climb High.
5. Climb High (7a) ★★
The classic shallow groove in centre of wall. Hard mantelshelf finale.
6. Do Walls have Ears (7a+) ★
Right-hand branch off Traction Trauma to climb upper wall direct. Fingery.
7. Traction Trauma (E4 6a) ★★
Superb technical face on left-hand side of wall. Just enough fixed pro.
8. In Search of Someone Silly (E5 6b) ★
Intricate line with tricky wall, fingery slab and hard leftwards exit.
9. Walking with Barrance (7b+) ★
Excellent. Ramp, fingery wall and tricky finishing bulge.
10. Technicolour Yawn (7a+) ★★
Another classic. The right-hand of two cracklines gives a sustained pitch.
11. I Punched Judy First (7b) ★
The left-hand line gives a pumpier pitch.
12. When Saturday Comes (7c+) ★
Desperate wall climbing saving its crux till last.
13. Broken Dreams (7c) ★★
Another classic. Hard fingery face onto flake with flourishing overlap to finish.
14. Insomnia (8b) ★★★
Desperate line left of Broken Dreams, starting separately.
Counting Sheep (8a+) ★★
climbs leftwards from the start via a tooth-shaped undercut from where it apparently becomes easier.
15. Flowers are for the Dead (7c) ★
The final hard route taking a fingery bulge to a tricky finale