1. To Boltly Go (7b+) ★
Start up the groove and move right via a good hold onto the blunt arête. Climb this then over the slight bulge. Head leftwards to the bolt belay on Hunger Strike.
F.A. Mark Rankine 2021
2. Stogumber Club (7c) ★
Fierce face climbing to the break. Traverse right to finish up Entrée.
F.A. Richie Patterson 1996
3. Entrée (8a) ★
A font 7C boulder problem guards entry to the short groove above.
F.A. Chris Gore 1990
4. Kali Yuga (8b) ★★★
Classic hard face climbing Cheedale style.
Rupert Davis 2003
5. Flow (8a+) ★★
More of the same but slightly easier. Don’t use holds on Countdown though!
F.A. Rupert Davis 2003
6. Countdown (7b) ★★★
Intense fingery face climbing via a vague shallow groove.
F.A. Ron Fawcett 1981
7. Darl pitch 1 (7a) ★★
A super line via the obvious shallow groove.
F.A. Gabe Reagan 1976
8. Why Me? (7c) ★★
A popular and fingery line centred around difficult undercut.
F.A. Gary Gibson 1986
9. Orange Sunshine (7c+) ★★
A steep and desperate line up the nose of buttress.
F.F.A. Jerry Moffatt 1984
10. Lockdown (8b) ★★
Left as an open project for 3 decades this route was finally climbed in 2020 during the Covid pandemic.
F.A. Ben Moon 2020
11. Boring (7b+)
A poor and unpopular line that ends up too close to the next route.
F.A. Seb Grieve 1990
12. Ninth Life E6 6b ★★
The infamously bold shallow groove line with ground fall potential. A peg, a wire and a skyhook sort of protect it.
F.A. Jonny Woodward 1992
13. Daylight Robbery (7b) ★★
Powerful climbing up the flake gives access to the fingery upper wall. 4 bolts protect. Falling off while clipping the third would be a bad idea.
F.A. Chris Hardy 1989
14. Ra (E4 6a)
The obvious big flake line is an old trad route. Poor climbing but a useful landmark.
F.A. Jim Reading 1976