1. Mega-Bites (7b) ★
The first and easiest of a series of powerful roof problems. Starts just before the platform and above a stump.
2. System Malfunction (7b) ★★
A super roof problem going through the left side of the long roof.
3. Reboot (7c+) ★★
Another good and even harder problem that succombs to mix of pure strength and knee bars.
4. Titter Ye Not (7c+) ★
Direct assault of the roof. Knees allowed.
5. Waffle (7b+)
A hort technical start via the rib of the open corner is followed by a desperate roof sequence.
6. Stroop Dog (7c+) ★
Climb the wall left of the Ghee Force groove. Go through the bulge and join Waffle at the roof. Finish as for that route.
7. Ghee Force (7a+) ★
Climb the lefthand of two red corners. Go straight over the bulge and through the roof above. Moving too far to the right after the first bulge for an obvious rest reduces the grade to 7a.
8. Malnutrition (E3 6a) ★
Climb the same corner of Ghee Force but at the top follow the break for several metres to the right. Go up and and through the roof and finish leftwards to a tree belay.
F.A. Gabe Regan 1976
9. Hunger Strike (6c+)
Climbs the wall just to the left of the next groove and pulls through the roof above.
10. To Boltly Go (7b+) ★
Start up the groove and move right via a good hold onto the blunt arête. Climb this then over the slight bulge. Head leftwards to the bolt belay on Hunger Strike. This is more direct and bolted version of the old trad/headpoint line Nerefaun (E5 6c). Following the corner all the way is Split Infinitive (E5 6c).