1. Project
2. This is not a Drill (7a) ★
A fine face climb with a central crux on small incut holds.
3. Shady Business (6c+) ★
Varied face climbing leads to a small but tough overhang.
4. I am a Darlek (6c)
A fingery start leads to a sustained face.
5. The Beast of Darlton (7b)
A tough route with a difficult lower half and a frustrating sequence through the overlaps.
6. The Who? (7a)
A tough lower wall with sustained climbing leads to a hard finishing move onto a ledge.
7. Tean Dream (7a+)
Good sustained face climbing to a mean overlap.
8. Blue View (6c+) ★
Technical climbing up the vague blunt arête.
9. The Knew (6c+) ★
Climb the thin crackline up the grey face with good moves and a hard finishing move to the belay.
10. The Grey (7a) ★
The excellent blank-looking face to the right. High steps, crossovers and rockovers. Harder climbed direct.