The first buttress as you descend down the Glass Gully. It is easily identified by a prominent nose at the top of the buttress.
The Toe (6a+) ★
The right arête of the corner with an excellent thuggy start.
1. The Tao E2 5c ★
varied. Technical start via corner corner, 2PRs and a surprising finish.
2. One Step Ahead of the Blues E3 6a ★
Surprising start via bulge and then arête above. 3BRs.
3. Breaking for Spares VS 5a
Up the tree then the wall, left arête and open finish.
4. Darkside (4)
The wide corner crack. Now Bolted
5. Summertime Blues E2 5c
The wall to the left on the right-hand side of the arête
6. Always the Rain (6c)
Attempts to climb the wall around to the left, 2PRs TR.
20m further left are a series of White Slabs with a trio of poor routes.
The next buttress along features a dark and slightly inhospitable bay of good rock which is becoming slightly lichenous.
1. Avidya (6c)
Hard start then groove and slab above overlap
2. Ugooloo VS 4c
Chimney groove
3. Who is this Man Dukakis E2 5c
Difficult through bulge, BR then crack.
4. Josie Swoonpence (4)
Right arête of groove line.
5. Les Miserables HVS 5b
Corner exiting left.
6. Gordonzola (6a+)
Right side of roof.
7. Felt, Batten and Smile E4 6b
Roof crack.