4. Jesus Wept (6c) Tricky start, then open slabby face with plenty of interest.
Three route lie to the left of the top of this:
Space Cowboys (6c+) ★ Left-hand line from belay gained by traverse from belay of Jesus Wept. Short hard section low down.
Heavenly (7a) ★★ Central line from belay gives superb sustained exercise.
Celestial Being (7b) ★★ The right-hand line gives a sustained exercise with technical moves low down and fingery ones high up.
5. Christendom (7a) ★ Long sustained and finger wall with delicate crux and easier climbing above.
6. Angel of Mons (6c+) ★ Perhaps slightly better to the right with a low technical crux and pleasant sustained climbing above.
7. Decimus Maximus (6b) ★★
Again very pleasant climbing taking a rib and groove followed by an intricate slab. The continuation up the headwall above the belay gives:
Maximus Extensicus (6c) ★ The next group of routes are situated directly above the lower walls from belays atop its left-hand routes.
8. I’m Spartacus (7b+) ★★★ Another magnificent route taking a snaking leftwards line up the black-streaked wall. Sustained and high in the grade with a frustrating finale.
9. Sugar Bullets (7b+) ★★★ Superb sustained climbing culminating in an impressively situated crux with the final moves on the headwall. May be dusty.
10. Stray Bullet (6c+) ★★ The direct version of Sugar Bullets gives a superb sustained exercise
11. Scram (7b) ★★
Super-sustained face climbing with no single hard move but plenty of them.
12. New Day Today (7a) ★
A hard move over initial bulge then pleasant, easier face.
13. Rancho La Cha, Cha, Cha (6c+) ★ Arcing line with pleasant sustained climbing.
14. Ulrika Ka kA kA (6c+) ★
From lower tier onto slabby upper face.