Dyfryn Right-hand Walls

Dyfryn RH Walls topo

The walls to the right are a little more complex but the following list of routes should help:

22. Off to Oz (5 )
The short wall complete with two peg runners.

23. Ed’s Triumph (5+)
Slightly harder to the right to a sling and bolt lower off.

24. Nick’s Dilemma (6a)
A better route via the pleasant face to the right.

25. Playing Away (6a+)

26. A Bit of Nokia Side (6b)
A rounded pillar with staples

27. Barbara (6b)
The steep shallow groove

28. Milky White (6a)
The second groove line passing a bed knob

29. Why did I bother (6b+)
A fingery wall with hidden holds

30. Predictive Text (6b)
An excellent short steep wall.

31. Baggle Brook Affair (5)
A nice slab climb and passing large pocket in wall above

32. Nifty Fingers (6a)
Climb the wall, ledges and headwall above flake.

33. Lip Service (6a)
Up the wall with bed-knob and steep headwall.

34. Family Day (6b)
Climbs the overlap and steep headwall.

35. Affairs of Man (6b)
The corner with a steep headwall.

36. Supply on Demand (6b)
Steep wall on pockets to lower off of next route.

37. Demolition Gang (6a)
Groove left of birch tree of next route.

38. Birthday Bulge (5)
Climb the initial tricky wall passing silver birch. Scrap metal galore marks the line.

39. Project -Ed’s Folly (6a)
The nice wall behind Elder tree.

40. Memory Man (6b)
Bridge up the chimney then trend up left via secret hold.

41. Gathering Gloom (6a+)
Climb the wall right of chimney with a long reach to finish.

42. Ockers delight (6b)
Start at a bulging nose and go up the wall to a fine finish over the overhang.

43. Nick to the Rescue (6c)
The wall above the cave leads to a juggy finale.

44. Project