1. Flying arête (5+)
The obvious arête high up after a reasonable start.
2. Darcy Juggles Jugs (6a) ★★
Climb up via the alcove and a headwall littered in ….. Excellent.
3. Darcy’ Detour (5)
A variant left-hand start on the next route.
4. Dick Darcy (5)
Ledges marked by threads leading to a high corner.
5. Darcy Takes it Easy (4+)
Steep and juggy and pleasant through the roof.
6. Darcy Likes it Wet (6b) ★★
The corner above the pond and headwall above.
7. Darcy’s Dark Delights (7c)★*
The difficult wall directly above the little pond.
8. Darcy’s Discharge Velocity (7b+) ★★
Only slightly more amenable to the right.
9. Project
10. Darcy Gets Arcy (6b) ★★★
The layback corner and wall above. Superb.
11. Bridget Jones Non Diary (7a+) ★
The wall to the right is a little devious.
12. Good Morning Mr Darcy (6b+) ★
The arête gives a very good pitch.
13. Darcy’s Done Drilling (7a) ★
The line just right of the arête.
14. Darcy Despairs of procrastinators (6b) ★★★
The thin crack leading onto the headwall. Perhaps the best sport route of its grade in SE Wales?
15. Dozy Darcy (6b) ★
The shallow groove and overlap.
16. Darcy Dallies with lower Life Forms (6a+) ★★
The wall left of the arête.
17. The Destiny of Darcy Dancer (5+) ★
The obvious arête line on the right - no line of topo.