1. Hullabaloo (6a) ★
Prominent left-facing groove line exiting right and up at the roof.
2. Crest of a Wave (6c) ★
The right arête of the groove gives a few excellent moves.
3. Keelhaul (6b+)
Difficult moves through the right-hand side of the overlap above the ledge via a thin crack soon relent. Trend leftwards to the belay.
4. Plankwalk (6a+) ★
The thin crackline springing from the right-hand side of the ledge gives a difficult entry via the overhang after which it relents for the final overhang to be gained. An airy pull and long reach gains the belay above it.
5. The Rickter Scale (6b) ★
The next crackline to the right gaining it from the last route has a harder move through the overlap via the groove. Above, again it relents, and the final overhang proves slightly easier than its neighbour.
6. Project
The tiered overlaps to the right gained from the left-hand side of the next ledge system.
The next routes start below the main section of overlapping wall from some convenient ledge systems. These can be gained easily at low tide and at mid-tide can be traversed to from the ledges below the last group of routes: not a good idea on an incoming tide.
7. Tremors (6c) ★
The left-hand line piercing the overlaps to the right of a huge perched block has an easy start and short tricky section through the tiered roofs. The belay lies in the box-shaped recess at the top of the crag.
8. Dead Man’s Shoes (7a) ★★
Tackles the lower tiered overlaps from a shallow groove to a sandy ledge. The tiered overlaps above provide sustained moves to gain a respite below the final bulge. This is tackles 2m right of the bolt via good holds and a swing back left to the belay.
9. Spectre of Love (6c+) ★★★
A magnificent route. Tackle the roofs above the next groove line and continue direct through the twin overlaps to gain a thin crack system leading to the capping overhang. This is overcome by an easy long reach or a jamming crack, take you pick.
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