1. Devil’s Brew (6a+)
Faint crackline with lower bulge soon yields to easier ground.
2. Cauldron of Satyr (6b) ★
Crackline and slight groove to steeper wall via break.
3. Filthy Snatch (6b) ★
Fine, blank looking wall taken slightly left of BRs.
4. Cradle of Dirt HVS 5a ★
Prominent crackline.
5. Dirt Box E2 5c
Steep start via difficult wall, 2PRs, then easier crackline.
6. Anoek Clear Missile (6b)
Thin face climbing on a narrow pillar.
7. Soil and Shuvel (6a+)
Pleasant shallow groove line.
8. Hubble Rubble (6b) ★
The fine intoxicating wall heading for a bottomless corner. Excellent climbing.
9. Toxicology (6c+)
Short steep wall with fingery moves.
10. Unnamed (6a+) ★
Fine climbing leftwards via a faint groove system.
11. Anal Gesia (6b+)
Technical and intricate face climbing.
12. Suppose I Try (6a)★
The shallow groove and thin crackline.
13. Unnamed (6c)
Leftwards line via square-cute groove.
14. Grated Expectations (7a) ★★
Superb fingery face climbing after a hard start.
15. Dynamo Kiev (7b+)
Horribly strenuous start with flying leap with fingery moves above. Too bouldery.